Affiliate internet marketing is a growing method of increasing traffic to your website. This marketing method works because it establishes a mutually beneficial relationship. When your company engages in affiliate marketing, you with partner up with another company and recommend what they have to offer while they recommend what you have to offer. There is a variety of ways to accomplish this, however.
There is a difference between affiliate marketing and referral marketing. Referral marketing relies on the relationship and trust between two companies. Affiliate internet marketing works based on financial rewards and monetary incentives for promoting one’s company.
Beginning Affiliate Internet Marketing for Your Company
First things first: you can’t start affiliate internet marketing without first having either a blog or a website to work with. From there, you can engage with potential affiliates, either those who want you to market for them or those who will market for you.
Here are some commonly seen methods of affiliate internet marketing:
- Banner ads
- Pay-per-click ads
- Product reviews
- Hyperlinked content
- Resources, such as “How To’s”
When choosing an affiliate, it’s best to find a company that is related to what you do but is not exactly the same. That way, their target population and your target population will overlap but will not be in competition.
How Successful Can Affiliate Internet Marketing Be?
Depending on which affiliates you are working with and how much traffic their website gets, affiliate marketing can be very useful for both parties. On one side, someone is receiving compensation for the use of their website, especially if there are conversions. On the other side, the company is receiving more sales to, in turn, cover the cost of the affiliate marketing and generate more profit.
If you’re new to affiliate internet marketing but want to use it on your website, call Performance Driven Marketing today at (801)-326-0582!