Our PDM team is constantly changing and evolving! We recently hired two new receptionists and SEO specialists to help round out our team. Rylee Young and Jordan Giles are the two friendly faces you will see when you enter our Pleasant View office. They are learning more about our SEO tactics to help clients rank better on Google.
As with all new employees, our team asks a few get-to-know-you questions about their personal life and their workflow to help us better understand the type of person they are. We are happy to have Rylee and Jordan as part of our PDM team and hope you enjoy getting to know them through these questions.

1- What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
Rylee: My favorite things to do on the weekends are reading and shopping.
Jordan: My favorite thing to do on the weekends is snuggle up with my babies and watch movies or play outside.
2- Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music? What have you been listening to lately?
Rylee: I listen to both, mostly self-help podcasts, my favorite is “Cheers” by Avery Woods.
Jordan: I’m just barely starting to get into podcasts. Currently, I’m listening to a podcast called “Take It Or Leave It.” It’s a parenting-ish podcast.
3- Disneyland or Disney World?
Rylee: Disneyland all the way!
Jordan: I’ve never been to Disney World, so I’ll have to say Disneyland lol 🙂
4- When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you think that translates to what you do now?
Rylee: When I was little I wanted to become a makeup artist for movies.
Jordan: When I was a kid I wanted to be a doctor. Now the thought of doing anything medical makes me nauseous. Doing this kind of work is much more my speed these days.
5- Favorite pizza toppings?
Rylee: My favorite pizza topping is probably pretty lame but I only like pepperoni.
Jordan: My pizza order is basic- I usually like Canadian bacon or if I’m doing a white sauce, I like a chicken bacon ranch pizza.
6- If you could be a superhero, what would be your ideal superpower? Why?
Rylee: If I was a superhero, I would want my superpower to be invisibility.
Jordan: If I were a superhero I would want the power of invisibility. Mainly because I could sneak onto airplanes and travel the world for free.
7- Describe your perfect day
Rylee: My perfect day would be to wake up early, watch the sunrise, and head to the lake with my family.
Jordan: My perfect day would be to wake up to fresh gourmet coffee and breakfast brought to me in bed, spend the afternoon getting pampered at a salon or spa, followed by an unlimited budget shopping spree, have a delicious dinner at a nice restaurant, then dessert and movies at home in the world’s comfiest clothes to finish off the day.
8- What is your favorite type of weather?
Rylee: My favorite weather is rainy and cloudy.
Jordan: My favorite weather in the world is rainy, thunderstorm-filled days. I would take a thunderstorm over sunshine any day.
9- How do you stay productive at work?

Rylee: My way to stay productive at work is to listen to my favorite podcast or my chill playlist in the background.
Jordan: I’ve found that listening to music or my podcast is helping me to focus and keep my mind from running to different things.
10- Do you have a morning routine at work? If so, what it’s like?
Rylee: When I get into the office in the morning, I like to check my calendar and update what needs to be updated. I also check to make sure that everything is stocked and ready for the week.
Jordan: I usually come in, make myself some coffee and ice water, and that’s about it. I guess it’s not much of a routine.
11) What’s one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year?
Rylee: I want to be able to complete a phase 1 SEO with minimal to no questions.
Jordan: I want to be trained to do multiple different things so I can be an asset to everyone in the office.
More About PDM Utah
Performance Driven Marketing is dedicated to helping businesses see better online and real-life results. While our focus is to help you rank on Google and get your website seen by more people, we promise more than just clicks. Those who see your online presence are more likely to book with you when you trust the experts at PDM. Get a free website consultation or give us a call to discuss SEO packages.